The dog that could not read

Today we had six people praying and fasting for an end to the Iraq War. At the cathedral, we had more positive comments than ever.


Outside the federal building, an old guy was stopped at a red light with a dog in his lap. The way the dog was leaning out the window, he looked like he was driving. “He can’t read your sign!” the old man pointed out with a smile.

Another man stopped by and said, “We can pray all we want and fast all we want, people are making so much money from it it’s never gonna end.”

4 thoughts on “The dog that could not read”

  1. There is some multi-layered irony here, as we (the human race) are nowadays kicking the glaciers’ asses, and publishing a book against glaciers could certainly help achieve that goal. (Whether through slowing action on climate change, or just upping the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.)

    Oh, why did Vonnegut have to go and die?

  2. Maybe because he kept talking about the most important things people routinely ignore, and then he kept getting ignored, even though he said it in the freshest way anybody ever saw? I guess that could feel tiring after awhile. (linked)

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