508 #93: Faceplant

508 is a show about Worcester. This week, Mike and Brendan discuss a skateboarding accident.


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This week’s top story: US Rep. Jim McGovern skateboarded with Stephen Colbert. Mike compares his falling off the board to former Worcester Mayor Tim Murray’s disavowal of metal. (We previously tried to help Mr. Murray with his metal problem; we will make efforts to help Mr. McGovern as well.)

Also: Happy birthday Jim!

(screenshot by Jeff Barnard)

Worcesterites are working towards a local green economy; the Neighborhood Network Center celebrated 10 years; Dismas House has a farm; the day after Thanksgiving is “Buy Nothing Day”; Brendan likes kids.woot.com; VegWorcester is holding a “feed-in” at the Shrewsbury Street McDonald’s on Saturday; you might listen to jazz and look at art at the Dzian Gallery Saturday night, or enjoy music and film about psychoanalysis at Clark on Saturday.

The T&G followed Gary Rosen in using chess as an incoherent metaphor for local politics. (Do the proportions of the chess pieces imply our local pols are pawns?)

(photo: Drew Wilson)

Brendan explains the grand issue of local political succession. Mike’s mushrooms are finally growing. We recommend the Nicole, Worcester blog.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Better Know a District – California’s 12th – Jackie Speier
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor U.S. Speedskating

5 thoughts on “508 #93: Faceplant”

  1. Unfortunately, I think the commercialization of Christmas has lead to a larger commercialization of childhood in general. There are two things we’ve done to discuss commercials with our kids. One is just to point out, constantly, that people are actually trying to get us to buy things. (This prompts my older son to say, “I already HAVE shampoo,” at every Pantene ad on TV.) The other is something I’ve started recently — I mute the commercials and then narrate it in my own words, which the kids find incredibly funny. (Because they are still at an age when I am one of the funniest people ever.)

    But — regarding Christmas specifically — there is no societal support for you if you decide to actually reject the commercial aspects of Christmas. (I know, because I do.) I’ve found it interesting that the crowd who thinks that saying ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Merry Christmas’ is tantamount to blaspheming the Holy Spirit always complain that someone says ‘Happy Holidays’ to them IN A STORE. They are rarely talking about selling everything they own and giving it to the needy. They just want the clerk in Wal-Mart to acknowledge the preeminence of their worldview.

  2. Another Christmas thing this made me think of yesterday:
    I got suckered into going to a Holiday Program at work a few years back, and so there was a different person who presented something on Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc. The guy who presented Christmas just recited “A Visit From St. Nicholas.” A coworker of mine got up after that and asked why they couldn’t have talked about Jesus being born and how meaningful that was for Christians. Round of applause, etc., etc.

    Then, the very next day, the same coworker castigates me for not “doing Santa Claus” with my kids, not having a Christmas tree, no zillions of presents on Christmas morning, etc. I tried to explain that we wanted to keep the focus on Christ and not the ancillary gift grab. We talk about the real St. Nicholas, but we talk about the birth of Christ more. My kids will get a zillion presents from their grandparents Christmas afternoon (after church). We do regift a significant amount of unopened toys to Toys for Tots.

    (Actually, the coworker said that if her kid was going to school with my kids, she would actually have words with us because she wouldn’t want our kids “ruining” the secret of Santa for her kid. I said that my kids likely wouldn’t — though my elder son does say things like, “There’s no Santa, just Saint Nicholas” — but one wonders how she would treat the Jewish or Muslim or atheist classmates of her children. I thought it was interesting that her assumption was that I, as a Christian, would “do the Santa thing” and that I owed it to other parents to do so.)

    That isn’t to say that people don’t have a right to teach their children according to what they believe is right. But, as a parent, I have never had so much pushback and ‘helpful comments’ from other parents as when I described our Christmas traditions.

    Or, as my husband says, how do you ever expect them to resist peer pressure if you’re not willing to do so?

  3. I really loved the episode this week. I hope the people down at F.Y.C. know that Jim McGovern can not skateboard. It’s a shame but it’s true and I’d like to thank Steven Colbert for showing that. Great work hope next episode is outside again!

  4. You’re up to 5 comments…5 more and for your sake, I hope the weather’s nice on Sunday.

    I had a few thoughts regarding the runner-up discussion you had, and wrote them all down here.

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