Cirignano trial: morning 2

Bay Windows report on day 1.

T&G’s Dianne Williamson does her thing:

At another point, Mr. Gilleran claimed that Mr. Nangle was “very interested” in the story, as though a news account about a protester who bruised her elbow at a rally would catapult a reporter to the editorial pages of The New York Times.

A guy was fixing the courtroom doors this morning, while the lawyers and judge were discussing things inside.

Me, looking at the doors: “Yesterday they were so loud.”

Workman: “Well, they’re not anymore!”
Continue reading “Cirignano trial: morning 2”

Cirignano trial: afternoon 1

Channel 3 was gone, but the T&G’s Dianne Williamson was there this afternoon.

The T&G lawyer again tries to get Nangle to not have to testify.

Christopher Robarge

Another witness for the prosecution. 25 year old Worcesterite and counter-demonstrator. Was at the back of the main demonstration.

Saw someone moving fast through the crowd & then fall. Went to help her. (He was a certified EMT-B in Connecticut, and worked for volunteer ambulance services.)

“She was on the ground, she was upset, she was crying.”

“I did see hands on her shoulders.”
Continue reading “Cirignano trial: afternoon 1”

Cirignano trial: morning 1

The judge denies the motion to keep T&G reporter Richard Nangle off the stand. He’ll likely be testifying, as he was a witness to part of the event in question.

Ex-WoMag reporter Noah Schaffer is present in the courtroom. He’ll be writing an article about the Courthouse for Boston Lawyer’s Weekly.

During the morning break, several Cirignano supporters arrived. One predicted that Cirignano’s opponents would “flood” the courtroom on Friday. This doesn’t seem likely.

Only 7 of the 8 jurors returned today. Remember the juror who approached the bench as the jurors were leaving yesterday? He’s gone.
Continue reading “Cirignano trial: morning 1”

Cirignano trial: jury selection

little_larry.jpgI think Larry Cirignano’s lost some weight, because I didn’t recognize him entering court this morning until it was almost too late to snap his picture.

Today’s events in skylit Courtroom 24 began with a number of motions by the prosection and defense. At one point, the defense lawyer argued that if you have a permit for a demonstration, you have the right to use force to keep people with a contrary message out of the area. You’ll remember that Mr. Cirignano is accused of assaulting a woman at a rally last December at Worcester City Hall.

Things today got as far as impanelling the jury. Eight people; five men, three women; one black man; only one person younger than late middle age.

  • You should be able to read more detailed accounts of the action later today from Bay Windows’ Ethan Jacobs (who’s been subpoenaed, but wasn’t at the incident itself and probably won’t testify).
  • T&G reporter Richard Nangle, who was present at the crime, has been asked to testify, but the paper’s lawyers are fighting it “tooth and nail.” Mr. Nangle was present in court briefly this morning, but didn’t say anything.
  • Shari Worthington, who’s filed a scam complaint against the woman Cirignano assaulted, is herself scheduled to be a witness in the case. Her statements about her criminal complaint have been cuckoo, so it’ll be interesting to hear her talk under oath. Maybe we can get a sense of her motivations.

If you want to come down to see the beginning of the trial, it starts 9am, Wednesday, October 17, Fourth Floor, Courtroom 24, 224 Main Street, Worcester.

N.B. Comments that add nothing but insults to the conversation will be deleted (unless the insults are really good).

Update: Here’s the relevant podcast and essays (one and two) from Michael Ball:

We’ll see how it goes, but I think Cirignano is probably going to be sorry he didn’t plea on this one.

Scam complaint filed against woman “assaulted” in Cirignano trial

Here’s a PDF of a criminal complaint filed against Sarah Loy, the woman the Worcester Telegram & Gazette reported was shoved to the ground by a guy named Larry Cirignano last December. Cirignano is on trial for the assault in Worcester October 16.

The criminal complaint, filed by Shari Worthington of the Worcester Republican Blog, is for “disturbing a lawful assembly.”

Why would someone file a complaint so long after the incident? As the stunningly-ineffective anti-gay-marriage group Mass Resistance writes, “A hearing has been set for Oct. 29 regarding the complaint against Loy. At that hearing, a magistrate will decide whether to press formal charges. . . . But this causes a big problem for Loy. If she testifies against Larry on Oct. 16, she risks incriminating herself in a trial against her!”

Which raises a key question: Is it worse to be a sleazy lawyer, or a sleazy lawyer’s stooge?

The relevant statute:

Chapter 272 Section 40. Whoever wilfully interrupts or disturbs a school or other assembly of people met for a lawful purpose shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one month or by a fine of not more than fifty dollars; provided, however, that whoever, within one year after being twice convicted of a violation of this section, again violates the provisions of this section shall be punished by imprisonment for one month, and the sentence imposing such imprisonment shall not be suspended.

Fifty bucks, and probably no chance of prison? I wouldn’t let this intimidate me one bit. (Easy for me to say, of course.)

508 #4: CitySquare and serial killers

508 is a show about Worcester.

This week’s guests are Brendan Mellican, Cha-Cha Connor, and Bruce “Snow Ghost” Russell.

You can download the mp3, subscribe to the feed, or see other formats.


You can add your two cents by e-mailing, or leaving a voicemail message at 508.471.3897.

  • The real news about CitySquare: groundbreaking won’t be for at least three more years.
  • One group is claiming there may be a serial killer in Worcester. This forum discussion goes into every nook and cranny. Bruce and Cha-Cha add their 2 cents.
  • There’s a Mayoral Candidate Forum October 22 at the Dive Bar. Any ideas for a Mayoral Forum Drinking Game?
  • Our condolences to Scott Zoback on the loss of his father.

To get an e-mail each week alerting you of the new episode of 508, join the e-mail list:


We won’t share this list with others.

City Council asks Worcester to divest from Sudan

00014At last night’s City Council meeting, the Council unanimously voted to “divest the retirement system of any investment in the Sudan.”

I made a crummy recording of the discussion, which you can hear below. Because of battery trouble, it cuts off in the middle of Councilor Michael “Dah-foo” Perotto’s introduction, and cuts back in as Councilor Joff Smith is speaking. After the council voted, Joe O’Brien, Darfur native Abu Asal Abu Asal, and Mike Benedetti said a few words of additional support.

Note also that Mayor Lukes mentioned the Armenian Genocide in her remarks, and asked that language explicitly using the word “genocide” be added. (The US Congress is currently considering labelling the Armenian Genocide a “genocide,” with Turkey strongly objecting. AP: Bush urges defeat of genocide bill.)

Documents from this vote


See more audio formats.


Worcester City Council to consider Darfur—Iraq next?
In-depth article at Indymedia about attempts to leverage the City Council’s sudden interest in Darfur to get them to pass a resolution on Iraq, which they’ve refused to consider time and again. Contact Worcester Peace Works to be part of this effort.

Worcester holds $5.68 million in investments in Exxon Mobil, the largest stock holding in the WRS. Exxon has been targeted internationally, nationally and locally by anti-war groups because of their war profiteering and by environmental groups for multiple efforts undermining and opposed to climate change.

Nicholas Reville “Aims to Overthrow TV, Not Get Rich”
Nice profile in Wired of Worcester’s Nicholas Reville, one of the people behind the Participatory Culture Foundation and Miro. Below is an interview I did with him back in the day.

No 508 podcast last week. I have an interview in the can about a supposed “serial killer” in Worcester, but I’m waiting till I can get Buck Paxton to rant on record about CitySquare.
Continue reading “Items”

Coffee in Worcester: Artichoke Co-op

This week Bruce and I grabbed some free coffee at the Artichoke food co-op, 800 Main Street, Worcester, MA.

PIEANDCOFFEE: It’s time for the hammer of judgement to smite the co-op.

BRUCE: This episode . . . gonna introduce this episode, it’s called Pie and Coffee. And we’re here to interview about the Artichoke and the experience that went on there yesterday.

PIE: So they had free coffee yesterday.

BRUCE: They did.

PIE: They usually don’t have pre-made coffee. I think they just have the beans.

What did you think of the coffee?

BRUCE: It was very good, but it was very strong.

PIE: You don’t like it so strong?

BRUCE: I love it strong.
Continue reading “Coffee in Worcester: Artichoke Co-op”