Occupy Worcester, Lake Park, day one


Today is the first day of Occupy Worcester’s actual physical occupation, relocated to “Camp Quinsigamond” in Lake Park last night after a brief moment on the Common.


Worcester Magazine: photos

Worcester Police Department press release: Protestors Stay the Night at Lake Park

When I stopped by today at lunch, 15 people were at the camp. It’s a beautiful site on Lake Quinsigamond, with all the campground amenities.

I can’t confirm this on the website, but I believe the next general assembly is Monday, 6pm, on the Common.

I believe that the land currently being occupied is state land. I also believe that the city is getting their act together today occupy-wise and considering whether there might be better sites. Lots of rumors at the moment.

To visit the camp via public transit, take the #16 bus to Lake Park and walk towards the lake, looking for tents.


From last night:

The brief occupation of the Common, the police, and the decision to move to Lake Park

Occupy Worcester solidarity march

Worcester residents today gathered at Clark University and marched to City Hall in a show of solidarity with the nationwide Occupy movement.

109 people marched. When they reached Worcester Common, they began the city’s third “general assembly.”

Update: As mentioned in this detailed T&G article, people may Occupy Worcester Common as early as 6pm, October 16.

Occupy Worcester, second general assembly

There was another general assembly meeting of Occupy Worcester on the Common today. No, nobody’s “occupying” anything yet. There was a lot of discussion of occupation but no consensus. I counted 96 people.

Eventually attention shifted to Saturday’s “International Day of Action in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street” event. People will meet at Clark at 2pm, march downtown around 3pm, and begin another general assembly on the Common at 4pm. At sundown, there will be a candlelight vigil. The message will be “Solidarity.” Not many more details than that were decided.

People at the assembly were also talking about helping the Worcester Anti-Foreclosure Task Force prevent a foreclosure on Tuesday, and joining a local Bank of America protest Wednesday.

Directly after the assembly a number of folks rushed off to join Occupy Boston in their attempt to hold onto a second camp despite warnings from police. Various responses to the Boston situation were floated during the assembly, but there was no consensus, probably because the situation was developing.

See also:

For what it’s worth, here’s video of the first hour of the assembly. IIRC the whole thing was about 2 hours long.

Occupy Worcester general assembly


Hundreds gathered on Worcester Common today for a general assembly of “Occupy Worcester.”

After discussing consensus process, we used that process (love how meta this stuff gets) to decide to break into small groups, talk about why we were there, and then report on the consensus of each small group to the group as a whole.

As the small groups assembled, I counted 190 participants.

Update: Another general assembly 5pm Monday (tomorrow) on the Common. Likely will have a more active event Saturday.

We are gathering for a second time [Monday, October 10] on the commons to exchange ideas and discuss the responsibilities of each working group. People may gather anytime after 12PM for discussion, but the actual assembly begins at 5PM. Today was a great success, please join us tomorrow as the second day of Occupy Worcester commences.


Below is video of the first hour of the “large group” part of the general assembly, in case you’re curious about that sort of thing.

T&G video: