Father Bernard Gilgun, RIP

Just got word that Father Bernie Gilgun, Catholic Worker and priest, has died. He had suffered a stroke over the weekend.

Here’s a remembrance from Michael Boover. There are many older Pie and Coffee items about him.

Father Bernie Gilgun prepares for mass
Father Bernie prepares for mass, 2006

Update: The wake will be on Thursday, April 28, 2011 from 3:00-7:00 PM, and the Mass of Christian Burial on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 11:00 AM, both at Saint Anne’s Church in Shrewsbury.


508 #137: Jeff Barnard

This week’s show is a “highlight reel” of the late Jeff Barnard’s appearances on the show. Produced by Mike Benedetti and Nicole. Co-hosted by Brendan Melican. Featuring Jacob Berendes, Kevin Ksen, Anne Lewenberg, Nat Needle, Bruce Russell, and Scott Zoback. Like the episodes from which it was compiled, this show has a tremendous amount of complaining about the newspaper.

This program will be cablecast on WCCA TV13 in Worcester at 7pm tonight, and on the homepage at wccatv.com.

Audio: mp3 link, other formats, feed

Video: Downloads and other formats

Contact info.

Clips from episodes 10, 19, 37, 38, 40, 42, 46, 47, 50, 51, 100, 114, and 131.
Continue reading “508 #137: Jeff Barnard”

Jeff Barnard, RIP

Jeff Barnard: December 8, 1948- November 28, 2010

Just got word that my friend Jeff Barnard passed away today after a long battle with cancer.

Like so many newcomers to Worcester, I first got to know Jeff though his writing on Wormtown Taxi. We became friends after many a Friday morning talking for hours on the phone for the 508 show, and after all-too-few hours talking face-to-face over a coffee or a beer.

I will remember his generosity, eloquence, and good humor.

We will miss, you, Jeff.

Dan Dick and Me: The Old Rascal with a Good Old “catholic” Cause and the Young Catholic Rascal Who Admired Him

Daniel Eggleston Dick, a good old union man of eighty-six well lived years, died in the early afternoon of July 26th surrounded by his large family and a few close friends in Worcester, Massachusetts. I was blessed to be among those gathered at Dan’s bedside when he breathed his last. What a gift and privilege it was to be with him and his family at this most sacred time. This was a special grace that I had not anticipated receiving and that I will never forget. That’s why we call grace “amazing” I suppose. It is sheer gift like a 3D Photo Crystal that shows up as a surprise.
Continue reading “Dan Dick and Me: The Old Rascal with a Good Old “catholic” Cause and the Young Catholic Rascal Who Admired Him”

Easter in Worcester


Today Orthodox Easter, Western Easter, and the anniversary of Tom Lewis’s death all fell on the same day.

I celebrated with mass at St. Peter’s and a perfect picnic.

This week Matt Fox recorded a version of “I Dreamed I Saw Tom Lewis Last Night,” with lyrics by me and inspiration from Matt Feinstein.


This is based on a martyr’s song, though Tom was no martyr. He sure believed in resurrection, though. I think it fits.

A flower in Tom’s garden, photographed by Paul Gingras.

508 #68: WPI and PILOT

508 is a show about Worcester.

This week, I talk to Brendan Melican. Topics include inaccurate predictions, the Telegram & Gazette’s website troubles, and WPI making non-tax payments to the city.

If you’d like to leave a comment for next week’s show, the number is 508-471-3897.


Audio: mp3 link, other formats, feed

Video: other formats, feed

To get an e-mail each week alerting you of the new episode of 508, join the e-mail list:


We won’t share this list with others.

I dreamed I saw Tom Lewis last night

Tom LewisAlive as he could be.
“Tom,” I said, “You’re one year dead.”
“I never died,” said he,
“I never died,” said he.

Tom said, “When people pray for peace
Or paint what’s good and fair,
Whenever people fill the jails,
Tom Lewis will be there.
Tom Lewis will be there.

“When people open up their homes
Or serve soup on the street,
Assuming that I don’t get lost,
Tom Lewis you will meet.
Tom Lewis you will meet.”

And standing there as short as life,
Two caps upon his head,
Tom hugged me and before I woke
He whispered, “I ain’t dead.”
He whispered, “I ain’t dead.”

Today’s the anniversary of Tom Lewis’s death. Matt Feinstein was singing “I Dreamed I Saw Tom Lewis Last Night” at a party late last year–seems fitting.

I haven’t dreamt about Tom in months, but I think about him every day.

Remebering Tom Lewis at the Peace Abbey, April 4

Via e-mail:

Remembering Tom Lewis

April 4th, 2009


It was a year ago on the anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination that Tom passed away. This year a portion of his cremation ashes will be buried on CO Hill at The Peace Abbey. He joins several other CO’s at this burial site, including Pat Farren, Chuck Matthei, Wally Nelson and Dave Dillenger.

Please join us with your presence and any story of Tom that reflects his life journey as a CO and peacemaker.

You are invited to bring light refreshments to share afterwards.

The Peace Abbey

2 N. Main Street

Sherborn, MA 01770


Wish I could be there.

Kevin Ksen: sexiest of men

from Kevin Ksen Polka
(copyright 2008 Nat Needle)

Oh, lots of folks love soccer, they play it every day
But Kevin loves his soccer so, it carries him away
He butts his head, he kicks his legs, and if by chance he falls
The women rush the field so they can play with Kevin’s balls

Kevin Ksen, he’s the sexiest of men
Kevin Ksen, he’s the sexiest of men
Kevin Ksen, he’s the sexiest of men
And if you don’t believe him, he will tell you once again
And if you don’t believe him, he will tell you once again

(Happy birthday, Kevin!)

Jägerstätter, now with better subtitles

The Center for Christian Nonviolence has released a new version of the Franz Jägerstätter movie The Refusal, with clearer English subtitles. (YouTube version)

Every time I’ve screened this, people have complained about the subtitles, so this is a welcome improvement.
Continue reading “Jägerstätter, now with better subtitles”